From the first crane to a global industry player - The PALFINGER milestones
After PALFINGER was founded in 1932, the first marine crane was developed 60 years later. The success story of PALFINGER MARINE began. Through professional specialists, passion, and high-quality products, the brand PALFINGER MARINE grew up to being the leading manufacturer of innovative and reliable deck equipment and lifesaving appliances.
1932 - 2004
First Steps
1932 PALFINGER was founded - see full PALFINGER History here
1992 The first Marine Cranes were developed
2004 The first Wind Cranes were delivered
2010 - 2015
Growing Up
2010 Acquisition of Ned-Deck Marine (Davits)
Acquisition of Fast RSQ (Boats)
2012 Acquisition of Bergen Group Dreggen (Offshore Cranes)
2015 Acquisition of Norwegian Deck Machinery (Winches & Handling Equipment)
2016 - PRESENT
2016 Acquisition of Harding Safety
2017 Harding now fully integrated into PALFINGER MARINE
2019 Consolidation phase and new Global Palfinger Organization