HSE and Quality

HSE & quality

Health, safety, environment and quality

Health, Safety and Environment as well as quality are always in focus at PALFINGER MARINE. HSE is about promoting security, job satisfaction and a health and safety working environment. PALFINGER MARINE sets great store by adhering to international quality and performance standards.

  • Operate in compliance with applicable standards, regulations and requirements
  • Implement and continuously improve our global management system to ensure efficient, flexible and reliable processes and performance at all levels of the organisation
  • Set objectives and targets to meet our goals
  • Ensure that risk management is part of our daily work
  • Monitor performance internally and towards suppliers and sub-contractors
  • Develop and empower employees through appropriate development programs
  • Show strong management involvement and leadership
  • Build strong, durable and mutually beneficial relationships with our stakeholders


HSSE policy 2024

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  • Operate in compliance with applicable standards, regulations and requirements
  • Continually strive to prevent accident and injuries and improve our HSE performance through training, experience transfer, monitoring, reporting and auditing
  • Actively involve employees at all levels in the development and implementation of the HSE systems
  • Set objectives and targets to meet our goals
  • Create a healthy and safe working environment
  • Manage risk throughout the value chain and ensure mitigating actions are addressed
  • Plan for, respond to and recover from any emergency, crisis and business disruption
  • Promote open communication and learning with all stakeholders and sharing of HSE knowledge
  • Prevent pollution, recycle waste and minimize consumption, encourage our suppliers and sub-contractors to target the same.

Quality Policy

Quality policy 2024

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